Thursday, October 29, 2009

a smattering of random photos...Yah Photos!!

Trip to the Hot Springs
I have now got four or five times
and have to return a couple more times

Set in beautiful countryside

All the pools are quite warm to very very hot
Its simply delicous
with a cold water fountain to dunk yourself under
when you need to cool off. It also serves as a nice
hot cold therapy
The walk down to the park
You can be there just for the day
Stay over in a room in this house
or camp
I've done it all
A beautiful surprise hike around the Property
A new friend
Dad I still want a parrot
(but maybe one not so large)

A Trip to a huge market

So far only have pics of the flowers
but I do go there every so often so
there is a good chance I will have more shots latter on

Flower market at 6am

I always think of my grandmother when I see SunFlowers

Night sceens from the rooftop
A good photo is a mix of luck and patience

somehow I misplaced these in my camera,
how I'm not sure

Here the kids are studying a Bible verse
preparing to answer a fe

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