So now it has been more than a few weeks since the convention has pased Audra and I have be
en concentrating on hamering down a concrete schedule with Father Carlos to work twice a week with the mission in the south of bogotá.
A blog can be a place where one can share what events have pased, not often do I remember to also share what it is like for me to be living these events.
The longer I am here the more I realize I have to learn. First in regards to language. You know, sometimes I think I know my stuff and I am just rambling on in Spanish spiting out profound thought and making interesting points only to realize that either a) they didn't understand a word I was saying or more likely and even more frustrating b) my lack of grammer skills kills the poinancy of whatever I was talking about and the conversation turns into a Spanish lesson. Ahhh!!
Ok, so really, what I have to say isn't quite so profound, most of the time. Latley my experience with Spanish has been more of a challenge than the first couple of months.
Second. Robin, you were so right. Robin is a Missionary who is currently in the Sudan. She was in Libiria as a missionary season before last; she also attended and sincirley enriched our traning in New York. During the training I expressed a concern that when I was in Ecuador my personality changed for the
worse, by becoming terribly indisisive, self doubting and fearful about money and other things. I asked what I could do to prevent this from hapening. She said - you can't prevent it, the best thing you can do is to realize this is God calling you to be changed/transformed in Him; don't try to fight it, go to God and let Him transform you.
Well, I havn't returned to being that same person I was in Ecuador, thanks be to God, however I am still realizing I am not the person God intends for me to be. Over the past few weeks I have felt my stress level steadily escalate., I didn't even realize I was reaching my max stress level untill I realized how much hair I was losing on a daily bases (first noted by my hair stylest). It is not caused by any one event / thing inparticular, but for general reasons I supose. Traveling around is rich and rewarding, but it dosn't allow for a routine, which I thrive on, nor does it make regular excersize easy. It hapens to be my third month in Colombia and there is a three month mark that we were warned about in mission training where things might go a bit awray in ones person while abroad. I hit that date right on the head. Latley I have been contending with analizing a future that I couldn't possibly come to a conclusion about (because it hasn't occured, a basic thought that seems to escape me at times). But thanks to caring advice from Audra, and tender words from Dad I was encouraged to focuse on getting in some basic excersise each day and go from there.
-What I am missing at the moment: Sunday morning breakfast with my dad at the bakery, wakeing up at Camp McDowel and weekend evenings with my Aunt and Uncle
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